Sunday, July 13, 2008

I AM BAAAACK with some exciting changes

And some would say crazier than ever. I don't even know where to start. I feel like I say this every time. Ok, Ok I took a little sabbatical. Why, I don't even know because I read all of your blogs on a daily basis. Let me fill you in on what I have been doing.

When school got out I was talking to Kimberly and said I wasn't sure about blogging right now. It is the summer, the business is good and when I have a free minute I want to be out with my three wonderful kids at the pool or doing something really fun!

Well it has been a roller coaster of emotion. I had originally started this blog with the intentions on blogging about our wonderful elders. My in laws have moved in this year and it has been an eye opening experience. How our wonderful government works, how insurance works and how we are being screwed royally by our pharmaceuticals. If someone could tell me why a memory drug cost over $200 a month you would be on my A list. I have several post in the bank regarding aging but it got very tiresome writing about what I was living in everyday. STRESS!

So I started telling you about my children, than work and than I took my mini sabbatical. I enjoy reading most of the blogs I frequent. Sometimes I wonder why he(meaning GOD) introduced me to this crazy blog sphere of people.

I think that the plan is to start blogging again about the elderly. Many of us in our 30's and 40's need to become more active in our aging parents life and planning for the future. I am learning the hard way but there is more to come. If you have friends who have aging parents please send them to my blog because you will start to see some interesting stories on how we can plan for our parents future!!!!!

Stay tune........

Do you think that an 80 year old should pay over $500 a month in prescriptions?


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