I believe it all started Saturday. Just the thought of the time change. There were snow flurries in GA? My customers at work were very high maintenance on Saturday. The eczema started on my arms. Sunday customers were high maintenance again. I think to myself what did I do to deserve this? I felt crazy.
Monday Child # 2 Mr. Sensitive said when I went to wake him for school that he just went to bed and I didn't let him sleep. Child #1 Prince lost all gaming toys until the next spelling test. It is Wednesday and just figured out he couldn't find it. It is in my dresser. LOL Child # 3 Princess, her school called me because she had a tummy ache. In my professional parenting opinion she snow balled the teacher.
I started walking with my neighbor T (look closely in picture above you see the jogger I took princess today.) She is a great gal. We walked yesterday and today. We got a late start today because we were crazy running errands. So we cut the walk short and went to pick up the kids in the golf cart. It was so funny. I am really sad that I didn't have my camera. We stopped to feed the ducks which ended up being the catfish and I pulled the golf cart up and I was sitting watching. #2 decides he is going to walk over the front seat to the back with his muddy shoes. I went to turn around and scold him and I pressed the gas to the cart. Couldn't figure out what I was doing and grabbed #2 from falling off and almost ended in the pond. It was comical, the lord was watching over #2 so that he didn't get scolded. He wisely says what were you doing MOM. I just thought O my. Took a deep breath and off we went.
Now the girls are playing outside it is 65 degrees here and the boys played some basketball and ate me out of house and home. I will be broke in 10 years. They eat now, never mind when they are teenagers.
How did the time change effect you?
Sounds like a hectic, but fun day! I was expecting to read about recently purchased toilets!! So glad you had some much needed family time! BTW, you are doing a great job...better than I could ever dream of doing!!!
K ~
Oh yeah I picked up the bedside commode otherwise known as the floating potty. I also got the run away walker. Not so good. The hectic day turned into a hellish day. Ended at 11:50pm with grandma falling :(
I'm tired just reading about your day. I'm sorry about your grandma. I hope she's okay.
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