As most of you know I coach. I love to coach. I really do. I was very hesitant when I was asked to coach a travel team. I knew the organization was in a bind so I jumped in. Now I am completely happy with my decision. Someone tell me why there always has to be dang DRAMA. I really am not a DRAMA type of girl. At least that is what I thought. DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA! It isn't even with my own team. Crud I can't handle it. Flippin DRAMA.
So last night I ran a suicide with my players because I was on the losing team and that was the deal. Can't move today. So then towards the end of practice the girls were bragging that they beat me in a suicide. I responded that a coach my age X should lose. One of my players said you are that young. Implying she thought I was older. I made her run. She was laughing so hard. We had so much fun yesterday.
So I hope that there is no DRAMA in the Team DRAMA camp today. I just can't handle it.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Oh Happy Day
Today I am so excited. I am registering my team for their second tournament. Our first weekend was a huge stepping stone for my girls. They came out and proved throughout the weekend that they want to play basketball and have lots of potential.
Practice tonight and I hope they are ready to work hard.
Today is a happy day with the sun shining, the birds chirping and warm weather. I love it. Off to do genetics.

Monday, March 21, 2011
I have decided I am going to try this blogging thing again. Why I have no idea. I don't even know who reads it. So here we go.
Since I last wrote a lot has happened. I will spare you the details but the reason I started this blog was when my in laws moved in. They have since past on. Mom passed away 2 years ago and Dad this past February. I must say that some days are so emotional and quiet here in our house. Weird to say when we have 3 children and we are never home.
I decided to start coaching again this past year and I am in love with it. I coached a middle school team and had so much fun. Those girls are great. I am now coaching a 7th grade girls travel team and they had their first tournament this weekend and wow they did great. We lost the first 2 games by 30 and won the third game by 38 and lost the 4th game by 5 to the team that beat us by 30. Now we officially have the jitters out. Guess what, we are going to tournament again this weekend. How exciting.
I am back in school for my teaching degree, going to start training for another 1/2 marathon for 2011 and most of all I am going to live life to the fullest.
Have a great day and Happy Spring!